Public voting! – We invite all conference participants to contribute to the selection of the winning poster.

With this award we aim to highlight posters which stand out for their clear communication. We will award outstanding examples that communicate scientific content, including to non-specialists, of the presented topic in a way that inspires and explains the subject and results well.


  • A selection committee will judge all posters that have entered into the competition, selecting a favourite based on communication and scientific criteria (see below).
  • In parallel, all conference participants can cast votes for all competition posters, assigning points between 0 and 10 for each of two criteria: communication aspects and scientific aspects.
  • The results from the committee selection and the summary of the public votes will then be combined, with weighting the committee results with 2/3 and the public vote with 1/3.

The Award

The author(s) of the selected poster presentation will receive one registration fee waiver for the EMS Annual Meeting 2025 and the poster will be highlighted on the EMS website. The award certificate will be handed over at the Awards Session 2025.

The awardee is also invited to become a member of the OPA selection committee for the EMS2025.

Terms for the Outstanding Poster Award (OPA) at EMS2024

1) Participation:

At the time of submitting the abstract authors need to sign up for participation. Furthermore, authors will also need to upload the digital presentation in advance of the conference and are asked to download a QR code for their abstract. The QR code should be added to the poster to allow conference attendees to directly access the judging tool.

  • Deadline to upload the presentation is Thursday 29 August 2024.

2) Eligibility:

  • All poster presenters are eligible for the award.
  • Authors have to be first author AND presenting author AND contact author of the related abstract.
  • Authors can participate with only 1 poster presentation.
  • Authors have to upload the poster to the EMS2024 conference page as presentation file.

3) Voting by the selection committee OPA2024

Only posters which appear attractive and rank high in the communication criteria will be taken into further consideration for the evaluation from a scientific point of view.

Communication criteria:

  • Intuitive structure, grasping presentation
  • Attractive graphical and audio elements
  • Clear and concise text
  • Intuitive structure
  • Innovative use of technologies

Scientific aspects:

  • Scientific quality
  • Potential impacts of the results
  • Innovativeness of the approach

4) Public voting (“volunteer judging”) by conference participants

  • All registered EMS2024 participants can cast their vote for each participating poster in the volunteer judging tool on the online system.
  • Public voting is open Monday, 2 September and closes on Thursday, 5 September at 17:30 CEST.
  • More details on how to access the tool will become available in the week before the conference on the conference page. All participating posters will show a QR code which leads directly to the voting tool for that poster when scanned

The composition of the committee for EMS2024 is as follows:

  • Marie Doutriaux-Boucher (chair ; Climate product expert, EUMESAT)
  • Theodoros Economou (Associate Research Scientist, The Cyprus Institute, Cyprus)
  • Alice Portal (Post Doctoral Researcher (ECS), Universität Bern, Switzerland)
  • Dan Suri (Chief Operational Meteorologist, Met Office, United Kingdom)
  • Mireia Udina (Assistant professor and researcher at the University of Barcelona, Spain)